Move your Python environment by exporting a list of packages with pip and importing on another PC.

On The Source PC

Consider upgrading all packages before exporting the package list. This PowerShell line will upgrade all currently install packages.

pip list --format freeze | %{pip install --upgrade $_.split('==')[0]}  

Export package list to requirements.txt file.

pip freeze > requirements.txt  

On The Destination PC

Install Python. This is easy with Chocolatey. Otherwise, download and install from

choco install python3  

Upgrade pip.

pip install --upgrade pip  

Import the package list.

pip install -r requirements.txt  

If you didn’t upgrade packages on the source PC before exporting the list, some versions may not be in the repo. You can work this out one package at a time as you encounter them, or use these commands in PowerShell to install the current versions of all packages from the requirements.txt file:

[string[]]$Packages = Get-Content -Path ".\requirements.txt"  
$Packages | %{pip install $_.split('==')[0]}  

If running these commands through WinRM, you may need to specify the full path to the python executable. For example on your destination PC:

choco install python3  
C:\python39\python -m pip install --upgrade pip  
[string[]]$Packages = Get-Content -Path "C:\python39\requirements.txt"  
$Packages | %{C:\python39\python -m pip install $_.split('==')[0]}  

Further Reading

How to upgrade all python packages with pip

