Install Drivers in Windows 10 Fast with pnpunattend.exe
It takes some much time to download and install drivers one at a time! So don’t do it one at a time!
Most OEMs offer a single download in a .cab or .exe file that contains all the drivers for a specific model PC. The .exe is usually just a self-extracting .cab file. If you download a .cab file, you can create the folder “C:\drivers,” copy your cab file to “C:\drivers,” and extract with this command in the Windows CLI:
expand C:\drivers\*.cab -F:* C:\drivers
Install all drives in C:\drivers these commands. First, specify the localtion of the drivers you want to install.
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\UnattendSettings\PnPUnattend\DriverPaths\1" /v Path /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Drivers"
Run pnpunatted.exe to install all the drivers C:\drivers.
C:\Windows\System32\pnpUnattend.exe AuditSystem /L
Here is the above commands in a .bat file. Download a driver .cab file, save it to C:\drivers, and run this script to install all the drivers in the .cab file.
And your done! Below are some links to download OEM driver packs.
OEM Driver Downloads