Sometimes you still need to modify the old hosts file. Do it faster with a PowerShell script!

Modify-Hosts.ps1 is a menu driven CLI interface that looks like this:

Current hosts entries: host1 host2

[1.] Add to hosts
[2.] Remove from hosts
[3.] Clear hosts
[4.] Exit



#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

# Author: HullB
# Date Created: 10-21-2022
# Date Modified: NA
# Title: Modify-Hosts
# Purpose: A script to add or remove entries from the hosts file on a local PC.
# Notes: Duplicate lines will be automatically removed. If hostname and ip address
# are used as paramters 1 and 2, they will be added to hosts.

Remove-Variable Hostname -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Variable IPAddress -ErrorAction Ignore

$Hostname = $args[0]
$IPAddress = $args[1]

$hostfilePath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts"
$hostfileBkupPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.orig"

#Make a backup copy of hosts if one does not already exists
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $hostfileBkupPath)) {
	Copy-Item $hostfilePath -Destination $hostfileBkupPath

#Get user input
 function Print-Options() {
	Write-Host "`n[1.] Add to hosts `n[2.] Remove from hosts`n[3.] Clear hosts`n[4.] Exit"
	$opt = Read-Host "`n`nChoose"
	if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($opt)) {
		Write-Warning "Invalid choice selected. Exiting."
		return $opt

#Add a line to hosts if script was issued with paramters
if ($Hostname -and $IPAddress) {
	$newHost = $IPAddress + " " + $Hostname
	Add-Content -Path $hostfilePath -Value $newHost


	#Sort and remove duplicates
	$hostsfileContent = Get-Content $hostfilePath | Where { $_ -notmatch "#" } | sort | get-unique
	Copy-Item $hostfileBkupPath -Destination $hostfilePath
	Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
	Add-Content -Path $hostfilePath -Value $hostsfileContent

	#Display current content of hosts
	Write-Host "`nCurrent hosts entries:"
	$hostsfileContent = Get-Content $hostfilePath | Where { $_ -notmatch "#" }

	$opt = Print-Options

		1{#Add to hosts file
			$Hostname = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Hostname to add"
			$IPAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter IP Address for $Hostname"
			$newHost = $IPAddress + " " + $Hostname
			Add-Content -Path $hostfilePath -Value $newHost
		2{#Remove from hosts file
			$RemoveItem = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Hostname or IP Address of line to remove"
			Set-Content -Path $hostfilePath -Value (get-content -Path $hostfilePath | Select-String -Pattern $RemoveItem -NotMatch)
		3{#Restore Original
			Copy-Item $hostfileBkupPath -Destination $hostfilePath
		Default{"Invalid choice selected. Restarting loop."}